
Trump Announces 100 Black Pastors To Endorse Him, Lying Black Pastors Say NO WE’RE NOT!!

It’s clear that the mainstream media is trying to destroy the noble and godly Donald Trump by absolutely smearing him and lying their mendacious lies about this statement that 100 African-American pastors were going to endorse el Trumpo, our savior and lord:

Donald Trump’s campaign says he’ll pick up the endorsement of a coalition of 100 African-American pastors and evangelical leaders Monday in New York City.

The real estate mogul and Republican presidential front-runner’s campaign announced the endorsement — which it said will come after a private meeting at Trump Tower — on Wednesday.

Trump’s campaign scheduled an endorsement event for 1 p.m. ET. It has not released the names of the religious leaders who are set to endorse Trump.

That was on Friday, and they obviously planted the story so that they could do THIS today, the scumbag liars that lie:

It’s a trap!! They somehow fabricated a statement from the Donald (peace be upon him), and now they’re lying about it!!

Look here’s a pastor who probably isn’t even black saying it’s a lie!! What a jerk who’s a total loser, he’s probably jealous of Trump that’s why!!

Friday, November 27, 2015

Bishop McClendon was INVITED to attend Monday’s meeting and his name was used as an invitee, but had made no plans to attend the meeting and indeed will NOT be in attendance. The meeting was presented not as a meeting to endorse but as a meeting to engage in dialogue.

He does believe that African American spiritual leaders should be listening and engaging in dialogue with any candidate who is currently, based on the polls, exhibiting a real potential for occupying the Oval Office.

Bishop McClendon has NOT made up his mind for whom he will vote in the upcoming election and had previously determined that he would not make any decision until after January 2016. He exhorts all serious minded believers to not vote on allegiance to any political party but on the basis of the Judeo-Christian ethic and their spiritually inspired conscience.

“Bishop McClendon”?! That sounds totally made up! What a loser!!

And here are more lies from the Daily Beast!! They’re going bankrupt because they’re losers so they’re lying about winners like Trump!!

Several members of a group of prominent African American ministers scheduled to meet with Donald Trump Monday are making clear that they have made no commitments to endorse the real estate magnate. Their public declarations of non-endorsement come after a press release from the Trump campaign announced a coalition of 100 African American religious leaders will appear with the real estate mogul shortly after the meeting to endorse him.

Lightweights. All of them. Black Pastors? Trump is all the black pastor I need.

Bishop Corletta Vaughn, the Senior Pastor of the Holy Spirit Cathedral of Faith in Detroit, posted a message on Facebook after she said her inbox was “blowing up with inquiries” after her name was included on a list of pastors meeting Trump.

“Let me be clear,” she wrote.  “I was invited to attend a gathering of clergy to listen to Mr. Trump on Monday November 30. I respectively (Sic.) declined as I do not support nor will endorse Donald Trump.”

“I was asked 2 meet with Mr Trump too but I refused because until he learns how to respect people you can’t represent me thru my endorsement,” Bishop Paul Morton, a prominent pastor in Atlanta tweeted on Friday.

Women can’t even be pastors, c’mon!! What a load of BS!!

The Trump campaign did not respond to questions about which ministers will endorse him on Monday.

In fact, of the pastors scheduled to meet with Trump earlier in the day, so far only one, Pastor Darrell Scott, has said he will attend the press conference to endorse Trump.

In an interview with the Daily Beast on Friday, Scott said that he had organized Monday’s meeting between Trump and black clergy, but that his invitation was for them to meet with Trump, not to endorse him.

Of course they don’t have a comment because they don’t talk to losers and haters that’s why!! Not only is Trump (peace be upon him) gonna win the African American vote, but he’s going to win the Daily Beast vote, and he’s going to make Mexico pay for it!! Losers, all of them!!

I bet Trump will show up on Monday with a THOUSAND Black Pastors to endorse him and then the media will look sooooo stupid!! Hahahahah!!

SooperPodcast #178!!! The Thanksgiving Mextravaganza!!