Foreign Policy

BREAKING! North Korea Announces Successful Testing Of Hydrogen BOMB…

Reports from near North Korea say an earthquake just occurred, and some seismologists believe it might be artificial, meaning it could have been from a nuclear missile test. Apparently North Korea will make an announcement soon, making me think it was indeed a nuke test.

That… is a big deal, people.

Here are the earlier Twitter reports:

More from BNO News:

The moderate earthquake, at 10 a.m. local time on Wednesday, was centered at a nuclear test facility northwest of Kilju in the North’s northern region. The United States Geological Survey put the magnitude at 5.1.

There was no immediate confirmation on whether a nuclear test had been carried out, but past nuclear tests caused readings that matched Wednesday’s event. South Korea’s meteorological agency said the earthquake appeared to be “man-made,” and China’s seismological agency described the event as a “suspected explosion.”

North Korea conducted its last nuclear test in February 2013, leading to a new round of UN sanctions that aimed to impede the country’s ability to further develop nuclear and ballistic missile programs, as well as its proliferation activities. Two other nuclear tests took place in 2006 and 2009.

I’ll post more info as it becomes available.


And there it is – Hope and Change the North Korean edition.

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