DESPICABLE Trump Fans Mock Mary Katherine Ham’s Deceased Husband To Make America ‘Great’ Again
If you want to see some truly scummy behavior, just make a pretty decent point against Emperor Trump, and you’ll be attacked mercilessly by the bottom-dwellers that inhabit the nether regions of Twitter.
This time what set off the swarm of feces-tossers was when Fox News contributor Mary Katherine Ham dared to compare the verbally incontinent moron Donald to his surprisingly intelligent and even-tempered daughter Ivanka:
Ivanka Trump is everything Donald wants to be but isn’t:
— Mary Katharine Ham (@mkhammer) April 7, 2016
She is literally complimenting his daughter, but pointing out the yuge difference between the two. That’s all. So the Trump-peons grabbed their keyboard torches and mouse-pitchforks and yelled, “This aggression will not stand!!!” And to emulate the classiness of their emperor, they mocked her deceased Husband, Jake:
Idiotic and petty.
So, Mary Katharine, if slammin' family member is okay with you . . . .
How is your husband doing in hell???— Re-Defeat Communism☭ (@ConservativLuke) April 7, 2016
For her part, Mary Katherine Ham took the high road, God bless her:
For impressive number of you who think “I’m glad your husband died” is appropriate response to “column I didn’t <3 on The Donald,” prayers.
— Mary Katharine Ham (@mkhammer) April 8, 2016
I wouldn’t blame her if she came back just as viciously against her scumbag Trump trolls, but unlike her attackers and their leader, she has character.
Always amazed how Trumpian proud-to-be-un-PC crowd can be so *exquisitely* sensitive & WHINE ALL DAY about anything short of Donald worship.
— Mary Katharine Ham (@mkhammer) April 8, 2016
Yup. Not all fans are this scummy, but man, they can be pretty despicable about defending their spray-tanned Lord and cheeto-faced Saviour Trump. Here are some more of the worst spewings from the sewer of humanity:
@mkhammer I felt sorry for you when your husband died while you were pregnant, but no more, he is better off not being with u ur nasty — Bettie Harvey (@Bettieh) April 7, 2016
@mkhammer What happened to needing to be ” Thick Skinned “? Siding with #NeverTrump & mocking party BASE not fun any longer? Reap what u sow
— Ty (@Tytan01) April 8, 2016
@mkhammer you should follow your husband’s lead — Drop-Out Kasich (@Sbrooks56) April 8, 2016
I have no idea what inspires a human being to be such a degenerate scumbag to another. Oh wait, yes I do – it’s TRUMP!!!
@mkhammer __too bad your husband didn’t know how to ride a bike__
— Kurtmandoo (@K77491259) April 8, 2016
@mkhammer I guess losing your husband has made u a very bitter person. I hope your child is never talked about like that but karma is a B! — Gammyheath (@Gammyto6) April 7, 2016
@mkhammer @FDRLST looks like her husband is better off dead than to spend a lifetime with this bimbo
— mikebrezzze (@mikebrezzze) April 7, 2016
@mkhammer #4 on the list with #CruzSexScandal. I wonder if it was before or after the husband died? Wow all 8 of these BIMBOs is SAD wow — Carter R. Cole (@CarterRCole) March 27, 2016
@mkhammer your husband just died are you sleeping w/ Ted? I thought you are a nice person#disgusting supporting this
— Lin (@arrjet17) March 27, 2016
All class, I tell you. ALL CLASS IN ALL CAPS!!!
If this is how Trump is making America “great,” you can count me out.
Feel free to visit these scumbags on Twitter and let them know what you think of their behavior.