
SooperPodcast #199!! Blantonly Wantonly Hates Beyonce!! With Jessica Heddings


This week we were finally able to run off the podcast squatter Matt Dawson with the help of law enforcement, and so we talked to Blatonly Watonly, the new alterego of Hapax Legomenon. SHe talks about how much she hates Beyonce, and el Sooooooper recalls an error in a previous podcast that he has to correct!! WOW!!!

And I uploaded it to YouTube, for those of you who are into such things:

If the podcast player doesn’t pop up below, click the image above, and if you’re blind, then click HERE instead.

Please comment, *like*, and tweet our podcast if you like it, or even if you don’t.

Read the stories  we talked about on this podcast here:

Opening song from Soundtrack to Idiocracy: Nuevos Tiempos by Pueblo Cafe

Now Available on Stitcher!!
