
200th SooperPodcast MEXtravaganza!! With Jessica And Matt!!



THIS IS THE 200TH MEXTRAVAGANZA SOOPER PODCAST!!!!!!! We recorded an amazing podcast, but deleted it, so we recorded a later drunken podcast that wasn’t as good. WOW you need to listen NOW!!!

If you want to see it on YouTube, let me know!!!!!

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Please comment, *like*, and tweet our podcast if you like it, or even if you don’t.

Read the stories  we talked about on this podcast here:

  1. HUGE: IRAN Orders Hezbollah To Direct Operations AWAY From Israel And Target SAUDI ARABIA
  2. ‘This WORDS MATTER Stuff Is RIDICULOUS!!’ -Trump Advisor Admit He’s Just Saying Random Stuff
  3. Scumbag Liar Sean Hannity Spreads False SMEAR To Idiot Fans Even After He’s Corrected
  4. Facebook Employees ADMIT To CENSORING Conservatives And BOOSTING Liberals!!
  5. Trump Would Make America Default On Our Debt…
  6. Thomas Sowell: Trump Will DISCREDIT Conservatism, We Need A THIRD PARTY Candidate!!
  7. Crazy Palin Will Help Defeat Paul Ryan Because He Won’t Support Cheeto-Faced Toupee Topped Moron

Opening song from Soundtrack to Idiocracy: Nuevos Tiempos by Pueblo Cafe

Now Available on Stitcher!!
