
Conspiracy Scumbags Are ATTACKING An Orlando Victim, Claiming A HOAX Because She’s An Actress

Degenerates and scumbags immediately started screaming “false flag” about ten seconds after news of the Orlando shooting came out, and then their excrement-brains tried to stomp the facts into their conspiracy theories.

Apparently their greatest evidence is that one of the victims is an actress. Yup, that’s it, that’s the sum total of their “evidence.” These online sleuths could rival Detective Sherlock in their absolute brilliance.

Here’s one dimwitted moron who screams incoherently at his camera about it [when I posted earlier, the video was still up, but it’s since been taken down]:

And tweets:

Classy huh?

Amazing. They can’t do the math on the probability that at least one person who is shot among 100 killed and injured might be an actress? This is a staple among disease-minded conspiracy theorists – they take screenshots of victims from the media and then try to find actors and actresses who look just like them in order to claim it’s all a hoax.

But in this case, they’re actually attacking a victim on social media – from Raw Story:

A survivor of the Orlando mass shooting that took 49 lives last Sunday is having to fend off online conspiracy theorists who claim she was a “crisis actor” in a staged event, Philly.com is reporting.

Patience Carter, who was shot in the leg by Omar Mateen in Pulse nightclub, has previously spoken of the night of terror, describing how the gunman said he was sparing black people because they had “suffered enough.”

Discovering that Carter is an intern at Fox 29 in Philadelphia, conspiracy theorists have latched onto her — accusing her of being a fraud who was paid to be part of a staged event to bring about gun confiscation.

A video posted to YouTube by New World Agenda — and seen by over 100,000 viewers — breathlessly described the shooting as: “PULSE SHOOTING HOAX – CRISIS ACTOR REVEALED? PATIENCE CARTER is FOX NEWS INTERN!”

According to one commenter: “There she is. On Fox F*cking news. On Fox F*ck news. There she is. Once again, the F*cking bullsh*t they are shoving down people’s throats. We need to arrest all these people. This has gone way to far. They have pulled this out too many times. There has to be change. There’s no way they can use this event. This is faked. This is staged. They are using actors. There is no doubt about it. This is 100% bullsh*t.”

These are degenerate scumbags who really have something wrong with them mentally. Don’t spread this crap, it’s terribly destructive to honest political engagement…

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