Donald Trump had to interrupt Ted Cruz’s awesome speech because it DID NOT contain the endorsement that he wanted!!!
UPDATE – Here’s the entire speech!!!
The audience was definitely stacked against him:
The audience starts shouting “we want Trump” while Ted Cruz speaks at the #RNCinCLE https://t.co/qiXxcTZ1tt https://t.co/xJO12JKVzU
— CNN International (@cnni) July 21, 2016
Here’s when he DOESN’T endorse Trump:
.@tedcruz doesn’t endorse @realDonaldTrump during his speech pic.twitter.com/iUvuSEkKXj
— POLITICO (@politico) July 21, 2016
So el Trumpo stepped out early to shut him down but it was too late!!
WATCH: Donald Trump appears in #RNCinCLE arena as crowd chants for him during Ted Cruz’s speech. https://t.co/kqCAgistdy
— NBC Nightly News (@NBCNightlyNews) July 21, 2016
We’ll post the entire video as soon as we can!!!
I wasn't sure Cruz had that in him. Tip of the hat.
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) July 21, 2016
Wow. Amazing. Cruz just created the optical nightmare of Trumpers booing that little girl in Texas. Nice one #RNCinCLE
— Liz Mair (@LizMair) July 21, 2016
From here, @TedCruz needs to go buy larger pants…to fit his balls. Good on you, sir. #RNCinCLE
— Derek Hunter (@derekahunter) July 21, 2016
During the speech, scumbag Trumpers actually started yelling at Heidi Cruz and she had to be escorted out – stay classy, morons!!