Triumph Of THE ‘WILL’!! A Word Cloud Visualization Of Trump’s Speech
The Republican party is dead, and the Republic is soon to follow, but at least we had an entertaining Republican Convention!! That includes Trump’s convention speech, which had one word especially repeated above all others.
Here’s a word cloud visualization of the text of the speech – the sizes of words are in direct ratio to the number of times those words are used:
UPDATE – we now have Hillary’s convention speech word cloud:
SO Trump is focused on his WILL, and Hillary is focused on people. Great.
Here’s a list from the Trump speech:
82 will
25 America
25 country
17 going
15 Americans
13 one
12 people
11 trade
11 violence
11 American
10 opponent
10 work
10 Hillary
9 immigration
9 every
Hmmm. Triumph of the “Will” anyone? C’mon it’s a joooooke.
Just for fun, compare to a word cloud from the Democratic platform from 2012, and Bill Clinton’s convention speech, and finally, a speech from Michelle Obama.