
Liberals TRIGGERED By Olympic Event Of First U.S. Gold Medal, Cling To Their Safe Spaces

virginia thrasher olympics 01

Liberals are running in a panic to their safe spaces all over left-wing enclaves in America after the problematic news that America had won their first gold medal in the most dastardly of events – women’s shooting. With guns.

This guy, no kidding, has in his profile, “believes in the 1st Amendment, nothing else.” I guess that excludes the Second Amendment too! Sad!!

Feminist Leah McElrath had a tough time with it:

Her soft liberal sensitives probably caught the PTSD because she quickly retreated to her safe space after privating her account:

If you can’t take the tweet, get off of the Twitter!!!!


Poor whiny little liberals.

Trump ALREADY Spilling ‘TOP SECRET’ Details At Rallies