SooperPodcast #212!! Trumpmiliation With Jessica Heddings And Matt Dawson
This week we discuss if Hillary has health problems, the implosion of Paul Nehlen, how much we love the establishment now that Trump has made everything stupid, a list of Trump supporters who have been humiliated by him, and other stuff. LIKE also, how the Buffalo Bills lead to Kim Kardashian, and also how the Buffalo Bills led to the destruction of the greatest Republic on Earth. We exhaustively explain how Trump humiliated Paul Nehlen and Hugh Hewitt. It’s a hoot.
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Read the stories we talked about on this podcast here:
- ‘MELTDOWN’ – Trump CONFUSED, RNC ‘Reallocating Funds,’ Staff FRIGHTENED…
- ‘I Was Given A False Narrative’ – Trump Morosely Making Excuses For Terrible Polls
- Trump Bites The Hugh Hewitt Hand Trying To Feed Him A Lifeline On ISIS!
- Delusional Sean Hannity Says IGNORE The Polls – Trump Is Winning TWITTER And FACEBOOK!
- RNC Should Call EMERGENCY Meeting To REPLACE TRUMP! – Amanda Carpenter
- Pathetic Trump-Humping Blog LIES About Media Photoshop For Hillary – Here’s Proof
- Now Andrea Tantaros Says She Was Taken Off-Air Because She Accused Ailes Of Harassment
Opening song from Soundtrack to Idiocracy: Nuevos Tiempos by Pueblo Cafe
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