SooperPodcast #123!! He-Who-Complains-A-Lot! With Matt and Jessica!
This episode el Sooper answers Matt’s question, “Where do Mexicans come from?” And Matt does a FANTASTIC impression of a Native American social justice warrior, and Jessica laughs at everything. Also we complain about Trump a whole heck of a lot!!!
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Read the stories we talked about on this podcast here:
- Matt Boyle Tried To SECRETLY Organize PROGRESSIVES To Get Michelle Fields FIRED
- NYT Discovers Trump’s Ultimate Plan – Not The Presidency, But A MEDIA Outlet…
- Michael Cohen Has Another AMAZING Reality-Denying Moment With A CNN Anchor
- Trump Campaign Shakeup Means RAMPING UP ‘Bare-Knuckled’ Nationalist Fight With Hillary!
- ‘We Want Blood!! We Cannot Co-Habitate With WHITE PEOPLE!’ – UGLY Video From Milwaukee
- NYT Exposes Secret Illegal Payment In UKRAINE Of $12 MILLION To Trump’s Manager
- Jonah GoldBerg Triggers Hannity Twitter Threat As Sean Realizes Trump Will Lose
Opening song from Soundtrack to Idiocracy: Nuevos Tiempos by Pueblo Cafe
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