
Blithering IDIOTS And MORONS!! – ‘Morning Joe’ Panel IMPLODES Over GOP Defending Trump’s Putin-Love

Morning Mika and Morning Donny Deutsche freeeeaked out over Trump’s Putin-love, and all the GOP enablers who endorse it, on “Morning Joe” this morning. It was very entertaining.

Watch below at about the 3:30 minute mark to watch Donny Deutsche freak out:

So let me say this – I agree with most of what they say, and the passion with which they say it. I’m personally disgusted with how Trump is willing to enter into a sweaty breathless bromance with Vladimir Putin. But aside from his private lifestyle choices, it’s completely and utterly hypocritical for THESE morons to feign indignation when just FOUR years ago they were mocking Romney for warning about Putin.

Sam Stain, from Huffington Post, is one of the worst hypocrites, though I have to at least recognize that he apologizes to Romney, albeit in a mumbling aside that is as low volume and as brief as he can possibly make it:

Hmmm. That handsome Mexican tweeter has a good point. Where was all this indignation when Obama mocked him and said, “the 80s called, they want their foreign policy back!”? It was all fun and laughter then.

But the main point to demonstrate their hypocrisy is this: PUTIN HASN’T CHANGED. He was a despot back then and he’s one now. So it’s not as if these morons suddenly DISCOVERED how distasteful Putin is. They are feigning moral indignation ONLY because it hurts someone running as a Republican, and HELPS queenly cankled Hillary.

Sam Stain is correct at the end of the segment – the idiocy of Hannity being on the side of Assange is utterly hypocritical and “tribal” in it’s substance. But that’s because supposedly objective “journalists” like Sam Stain have been tribally protecting Democrats and lying for them for YEARS. And they’re still doing it by suddenly discovering Putin is a despot.

Chuck Todd further derides all these right-wingers for praising Putin just for tribalistic, partisan reasons – again, Trump-lovers are just following in the tactics that the left have played for DECADES. I don’t excuse it, I hate it just as much as when the left does it.

A pox on ALL of these a-holes!

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