SooperPodcast #126!! We Are ALL Aleppo NOW!! With Matt Aleppo!
This week Jessica Heddings got sick because her kidneys are trying to claw their way out of her drunken wino body, so it’s just me and Matt talking mostly about food and the new NFL season!!! Are the Buffalo Bills uniforms better than the Saints’ uniforms?!?! OF COURSE THEY ARE HOW DARE YOU QUESTION IT!!
Also, is Roger Johnson’s presidential campaign over??!?! Probably since I can’t even get his first name right!!! JACKIE CHAN!!!
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Read the stories we talked about on this podcast here:
- VIDEO: When Hannity, Coulter and Palin BASHED Obama for not HUNTING DOWN Wikileaks’ Assange!
- Poll Shows Americans HATED Trump’s Immigration Speech, Don’t Believe Border Wall Funding Rhetoric
- Trump’s Surrogate Black Pastor Confronted Over LIES In His Bio In Awkward CNN Video
- SooooperPodcast #125! Aztec Possum Hipster Theology On YouTube!!
- ‘There Will Be TACO TRUCKS everywhere!!’ – Latinos For Trump Founder Warns Of Deliciousness
- HALF Of Trump’s Hispanic Advisory Board Is RESIGNING Over BETRAYAL On Immigration!!
- SooperPodcast #124!! Who Does Aristotle Play G.I. Joes With?! Not Matt Or Jessica!
Opening song from Soundtrack to Idiocracy: Nuevos Tiempos by Pueblo Cafe
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