
‘YOU And Your FRIENDS Will DIE Of Old Age!’ – Dem Staffer Zach BERATES Donna Brazile!

Oh boy this is satisfying. Remember in 2012 after we lost and then spent the next month pointing fingers? Well it’s the Democrats’ turn, and they are putting the blame on Donna Brazile.

Huffpo reported this exchange at the Democrat’s first party meeting since the election:

Donna Brazile, the interim leader of the Democratic National Committee, was giving what one attendee described as “a rip-roaring speech” to about 150 employees, about the need to have hope for wins going forward, when a staffer identified only as Zach stood up with a question.

“Why should we trust you as chair to lead us through this?” he asked, according to two people in the room. “You backed a flawed candidate, and your friend [former DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz] plotted through this to support your own gain and yourself.”

Some DNC staffers started to boo and some told him to sit down. Brazile began to answer, but Zach had more to say.

“You are part of the problem,” he continued, blaming Brazile for clearing the path for Trump’s victory by siding with Clinton early on. “You and your friends will die of old age and I’m going to die from climate change. You and your friends let this happen, which is going to cut 40 years off my life expectancy.”

Zach gathered his things and began to walk out. When Brazile called after him, asking where he was going, he told her to go outside and “tell people there” why she should be leading the party.

Two DNC staffers confirmed the exchange.

LOL!! I love how he’s angry that Trump will make Global Warming kill him – why didn’t Emperor Obama stop it in all his eight years?

The recriminations have only begun and it’s going to be fun seeing them implode on the left after months of us imploding on the right.