SoOperPodcast #256!! Big MacMaster Treason News!
This week el Sooper goes through the entire MacMaster treason saga!! Also there’s a cop on the side of the road and we slow down for a better look!! Big pedophile ring is about to get broken very soon!! And el Sooper FREAKS OUT about Eric Bolling and the Statue of Liberty and Stephen Miller and everything!! And he tells the story of Quetzalcoatl-Santa in Mejico!! And I guess Hapax and Matt were there too. Maybe.
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Logic is the my-microphone of Soop.
ALSO!! We now have a patreon – so you have to PAY to listen to the extra podcast, suckers!! HAHAHAHAH!!! Go there and give us money. We entertain you.
Here are some of the stories we talked about:
Pendejo Says Constitution Doesn’t Protect Speech, But Statue of Liberty is a SACRED VOW
Hannity’s Trump-Sucking Conspiracy Mongering Hits Him In The Ratings
Soooperpodcast #255! Repeal And Repeal the GOP!!!
SoOperPodcast #254! The Very Ferry Matt-less Podcast!!
Pathetic :Tucker Carlson Adds Iran-Appeasement To His Putinphilia
Ralph Peters BRUTALIZES Tucker Carlson For His Putin Appeasement
Three Other Things Trump Referred To As ‘High Quality’ Aside From Junior
Opening song from Soundtrack to Idiocracy: Nuevos Tiempos by Pueblo Cafe
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