SooperPodcast #273! The Gang Goes MAGA!!
This week we go pro-MAGA after a few days of news items that were fantastic for Trump and pretty darn good for conservatism and for MERICA!! Also the Never Trump movement divides into the stupid and the just OK, how Mexicans stole our BetaMax VCR, and el SOoper goes all Nikki Haley all over the United Nations, it’s amaaaazing wow! Also the only bad thing that happened to Trump this week…
Listen below:
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Logic is the my-microphone of Soop.
ALSO!! We now have a patreon – so you have to PAY to listen to the extra podcast, suckers!! HAHAHAHAH!!! Go there and give us money. We entertain you.
Opening song from Soundtrack to Idiocracy: Â Nuevos Tiempos by Pueblo Cafe