Media and Democrats’ last hail Mary against Kavanaugh: The O.J.-ification of Christine Ford
It really appears as if the smears of the left against Kavanaugh went down in flames yesterday after he defended himself so well, and Lindsey Graham went on the attack against the media and the Democrats.
So they have one last hail Mary attempt to kill the nomination, and it depends on trying to generalize the experience of Christine Ford beyond the lack of specific evidence in her case into an exemplar of the “Me Too” movement.
Here’s a perfect example:
Any senator who votes to confirm Judge Kavanaugh after Dr. Ford’s testimony is telling our country exactly this: the experiences of women don’t matter. Their trauma doesn’t matter. Their stories and their voices don’t matter.
— Kirsten Gillibrand (@SenGillibrand) September 28, 2018
It’s a heck of a lot like what happened with O.J. Simpson in the nineties.
As the case continued, the media made it about a general experience of injustice that African Americans felt about police practices. The actual merits of the case against Simpson didn’t matter – it was the “movement” against “police racism” that mattered. And that’s partly why that case ended with such a great injustice.
Democrats and their media co-conspirators are trying to do the same thing here, but instead of racism, they’re using sexism, and the “Me Too” movement to try to fill in the discrepancies in Ford’s story with social justice outrage.
Of course Avenatti is at the forefront of this idiocy, as he is with most idiocies:
Here is a stmt issued by the American Bar Assoc calling for an FBI investigation before Kavanaugh is confirmed. My client demands to be heard and her allegations must be investigated. All of these women cannot be lying. A vote now to confirm is a vote against women everywhere.
— Michael Avenatti (@MichaelAvenatti) September 28, 2018
And others are trying to push the idea:
Yesterday changed nothing. And it changed everything.
Kavanaugh will likely survive. Women will remember this saga on Election Day.
— Bradley P. Moss (@BradMossEsq) September 28, 2018
Sen Corker: “She deserves to be heard” @cathymcmorris :“She deserves to be heard” As usual, party talking points instead of leadership. Rushing through the Kavanaugh appointment does not serve justice or send the message to women and all victims of sexual assault that we care.
— Lisa Brown (@lisa4congress) September 28, 2018
Anyone who votes for Kavanaugh this am, will have that as their legacy. Because a vote for Kavanaugh, is a vote saying Christine Blasey Ford is a liar, and it’s also a vote against women. Every GOPer will pay for it in November at the polls. As they should. #DelayTheVote #VoteNo
— Scott Dworkin (@funder) September 28, 2018
.@SenDougJones (D-Ala.) voting no on Kavanaugh, casts the vote in context of #MeToo movement: “Dr. Ford was credible and courageous and I am concerned about the message our vote will be sending to our sons and daughters, as well as victims of sexual assault. I will be voting no.”
— Ed O'Keefe (@edokeefe) September 28, 2018
Staring at an all-male Senate majority, Dr. Ford gave a powerful, honest testimony of the lasting trauma Judge Kavanaugh has caused her. The bravery she’s demonstrated has made her a hero. To survivors of sexual assault, to women and to our country.
— Kirsten Gillibrand (@SenGillibrand) September 28, 2018
And the media is happy to help:
The Kavanaugh-Ford hearings showed how men and women talk differently
— TIME (@TIME) September 28, 2018
"I hope the senators considering (voting to confirm Brett Kavanaugh) think about what many American women went through yesterday," says @Irin. "I can say that I was traumatized … I'm a journalist but I'm also a human being and to see her pain and to see his fury…"
— New Day (@NewDay) September 28, 2018
Many women shared feelings of anger and helplessness, as well as their awe of Christine Blasey Ford, while watching today's hearing
— New York Magazine (@NYMag) September 28, 2018
“The playbook against Me Too”:
Kavanaugh showed what is becoming the playbook against #MeToo: Focus on the suffering the accusation is causing the accused, activate the empathy of other men for what he and his family are going through.
— Ezra Klein (@ezraklein) September 28, 2018
At the #nytnewrules summit:
"What you're seeing today is like this phantom ghost of the before #MeToo movement and you're seeing this sort of scary figure of what every single one of us goes through every day," Amber Tamblyn said of the Kavanaugh hearing.
— The New York Times (@nytimes) September 28, 2018
A powerful juxtaposition:@Alyssa_Milano one of the champions of the #MeToo movement, sits behind Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, a man credibly accused of sexual assault.
— MoveOn (@MoveOn) September 27, 2018
Yeah? Who cares?
Oh look there’s the “objective” CNN media critic Brian Stelter dividing Americans by gender:
Today in America: "This was men against women, right against left, a cascade of recriminations, explosions of anger, hours of tears and sobs…"
— Brian Stelter (@brianstelter) September 28, 2018
The main problem is that they simply assume that her allegations are true, and ignore any opportunity for the accused to defend himself. Which is why they’re trying to O.J.-ify this thing. That’s the only way they can win.
Of course the obvious immediate objection to the comparison is that Simpson was accused of (and very likely guilty of) murder, and Ford is allegedly a victim of sexual harassment. Of course there is a vast difference between these two positions, and I acknowledge that. I have sympathy for Ford’s plight, I do. And I think the “Me Too” movement has done some very important good for society.
But when it comes down to it, the case against O.J. Simpson had nothing to do with the generalized experience of African Americans facing unfair police practices, and the case that Christine Ford made against Kavanaugh has nothing to do with the generalized experience of women who have been sexually victimized by men.
Our system of law, formal and otherwise, depends on strict adherence to rules of fairness, and putting the burden of proof on the accuser is a terribly important concept that if rooted out from our society will make it much worse.
Don’t let them do it.