A Short Twitterological Study of Trumper Response to House Loss
On days like this, there’s nothing like doing a deep dive into the amazingly execrable mind of Bill Mitchell, one of our favorite conspiracy zealot Trumpers.
He’s not a regular supporter of Trump, he’s a religious zealot. He worships Trump with coital fervor.
So that’s why it’s so fun to see his reaction to the loss of the House of Representatives to the Democrats.
There are about 6 stages of the Trumper zealot phenomenon (with a few from Cernovich to fill it in).
ONE) Prediction of a massive, historic victory over the heretical enemies of Trump.
Republicans keep the House and grow their majority in the Senate.
100% guaranteed.
— Bill Mitchell (@mitchellvii) October 30, 2018
(This tweet above is actually pinned to his front page on Twitter)
Democrats won't take the House or Senate – 100% guaranteed. Their whole nasty lie of a party is falling apart before their eyes.
It's almost as if a higher power is punishing them.#DontBooGod
— Bill Mitchell (@mitchellvii) September 26, 2018
If Democrats were to take the House, the next two years would be one witch-hunt after another with zero progress on the economy and a stock market in free fall.
It cannot and will not happen. This is God's country. The Democrats can't have it!
— Bill Mitchell (@mitchellvii) October 30, 2018
TWO) Surprise when the prediction turns out to be false.
So FoxNews calls the House for the Dems with half the seats done and Dems only +2? Based upon what? Polls?
— Bill Mitchell (@mitchellvii) November 7, 2018
The prediction dials on FoxBusiness are completely whacky.
— Bill Mitchell (@mitchellvii) November 7, 2018
So did FoxNews actually call the House for Democrats before polls in CA even closed?
— Bill Mitchell (@mitchellvii) November 7, 2018
THREE) Assigning blame to others, never-ever-Trump, He-who-is-without-blame.
FOUR) Self-delusion that failure is actually BETTER for Trump!!
Wouldn't that be ironic if the Dems taking the House is THE thing that gets Trump re-elected in 2020?
2 years to make complete asshats of themselves while the Senate just laughs. Repeal tax reform? Yeah, good luck. Impeach? Please, just try it.
— Bill Mitchell (@mitchellvii) November 7, 2018
Trump can write the HELL out of some EO's though and have them enacted into law after 2020 when he wins back Congress after 2 years of Democrat asshattery. https://t.co/mZxzN44oEs
— Bill Mitchell (@mitchellvii) November 7, 2018
If only he could lose the Senate too, then he could really get things done!!!
FIVE) Declaration of a vast evil conspiracy that undermined the great intellect of the One True TRUMP!!
You know, it's odd. Democrats barely made it past 23 and many of these races were VERY close.
How the hell did FoxNews know to call this when Dems were only +2?
Seem suspicious to anyone else?
— Bill Mitchell (@mitchellvii) November 7, 2018
Another weird thing. Doesn't look like there will be a single flip in CA. Strange.
— Bill Mitchell (@mitchellvii) November 7, 2018
I've been watching politics for a long time and I don't recall anyone ever being able to call something as complex as control of the House with less than 1/3 of the votes counted and almost no change at that point.
— Bill Mitchell (@mitchellvii) November 7, 2018
SIX) Go back to pretending it’s *actually* a victory!
You know, Trump may actually be MORE effective with this non-mandated lame duck Democrat Congress because he no longer feels that he must demure to the Republican Congress. He can just write Executive Orders and tell Pelosi to stop him if she can.
— Bill Mitchell (@mitchellvii) November 7, 2018
OK, so he’ll go back and forth between five and six until he settles on whether it was a vast conspiracy by nevertrumpers and the illuminati, or if it’s actually good for Trump, who was playing 345th level chess all along. Actually, it’ll be both – a conspiracy that actually played into the master’s hands!!!!
Ironically, Democrats went through the same process when Hillary lost. Hmm. Weird.
You know what? I believe every tweet Bill Mitchell posts. I choose to believe him. It is an self-fornicative act of my intellect and will.