
SooperPodcast #314!! Senamitt Midterm Petho Failures!!

THIS WEEK el Sooper is visited by el MATT and no Jess, it’s a no-Jess podcast!! We talk about the results of the midterm election, and el Sooper esplains the Q-Anon conspiracy and ties it into a conservative view of human behavior, oh wow, also Matt rhymes words for no reason, and there are shenanigans and MATT gives his prediction for 2020 and el Sooper mocks Petho O’Rourke!! Also the Senamitt!! AND the Acosta news breaks while we’re recording! WOW!

You can go directly to the podcast here if the audio player doesn’t appear in your browser.

Logic is the my-microphone of Soop.

ALSO!! We now have a patreon – so you have to PAY to listen to the extra podcast, suckers!! HAHAHAHAH!!! Go there and give us money. We entertain you.

BUT Patreon members only get early access to the extras – you can go to the page right now and listen to extras from the prior podcasts!! WOW!!!

Exit song from Soundtrack to Idiocracy:  Nuevos Tiempos by Pueblo Cafe

Now Available on Stitcher!!