SooperPodcast #411! The slurpy post-plussed soopersketchy goat-shaming edition!
THIS WEEK we don’t talk about coronavirus because that is BORING sorry, and we have a very quiet matt but a very LOUD jessica heddings! YES! Also we have a new edition of GUESS! That! Statistic!! Then we talk about the best conspiracy theories ever! And pedophilic numbers. Also we talk about Karina, Catrina, Carmela Harris. Sorry. THat was kinda dull. WOW YOU have to listen right now!!
If the audio player doesn’t load up in your browser, click HERE to go directly to podomatic!
ALSO!! DON’T MISS the great great list of Podcast listener nuts!! They’re all here, mostly!!!
ALSO!! We now have a patreon – so you have to PAY to listen to the extra podcast, suckers!! HAHAHAHAH!!! Go there and give us money. We entertain you.
BUT Patreon members only get early access to the extras – you can go to the page right now and listen to extras from the prior podcasts!! WOW!!!
AND… the GREAT GRATE KATCHUP DEBATE!! This is a good one.