Watch ‘Objective Unbiased’ Reporters Cheering And Applauding Global Climate Hoax Deal

Australian Scientist Discovers ERRORS In Global Warming Models That COMPLETELY Undermine Climate Predictions!!

JEB! Shoves His Foot In His Mouth AGAIN, This Time It’s About The Pope!

Watch Stupid Hippies Do What Stupid Hippies Are Best At: FAIL

Obama’s New Global Warming EPA Standards Will Cost 7 MILLION Black Jobs, 12 MILLION Hispanic Jobs!

TPM Pushing 1969 Nixon Memo Saying Global Warming Will Destroy New York by 2000!

Pope BANS Scientist From Summit Because He’s a Climate Warming Skeptic

Smartest President Ever Now Blaming Global Warming For ISIS and Boko Haram

15 Geniuses Who Think Global Warming Caused the Nepal Earthquake

CNN Anchor Lashes Out at ‘Willfully Ignorant F@$%sticks’ at Fox Over Global Warming Mockery
Another ad hominem attack from the global warming crowd

NASA Says We Barely Avoided a Disaster That Would Have Knocked Us Into the 18th Century, And It Might Still Happen
I liked you better when you were reaching out to Muslims instead of making me fear the sun, NASA!!

VIDEO: Democrats’ Big Money Eco-Billionaire Reveals What Animates His Global Warming Crusade
Well, at least he’s honest.