SoooperPodcast #382! The Dana Dana Dana Perino Book Club: American Dirt!
SooperPodcast #288: The Dana Dana Dana Show!!
Dana Perino Rips Into The Anti-Constitution ‘Alt-Right’ on The Five
SoOperPodcast #243!!! Matt Gets Hit By A Box Of Milk
Fun! Bob Beckel Slaps Around Eric Bolling On Trump Wiretapping Accusation
‘You Want To Disagree WITH ME?!’ – Dana Perino Gets Gangsta On Eric Bolling Making Trump Excuses
‘Megyn Kelly Had Blood Coming Out Of Her… Wherever’ – Trump WHAT?!?!
The ONE Thing Dana Perino Agrees With Hillary On… And You Might Too!!
SooperPodcast #112: Just a Chat With the Lovely and Brilliant Dana Perino
Dana Perino Let Out Such A Long String of Expletives on ‘the Five’ They Cut Her Sound!
I love it when Dana goes after Bob…
VIDEO: Dana Perino Takes the Gloves Off and Destroys Bob Beckel on ‘the Five’ Over Iraq Takeover
Dana nails Beckel on his faulty analysis trying to protect Obama.