Fox News Host STRIKES BACK At Conan O’Brien For Comparing Her To a Porn Star
Jake Tapper Resists Idiotic Race and Gender-Baiting from ‘Think Progress’; Women, Minorities Hardest Hit
LOL! Rabid Feminists Drive Joss Whedon Off Twitter Over SEXIST ‘Avengers’ Movie!
Here Are All of ‘Feminist’ Activist Kathy Groob’s RACIST Deleted Tweets Against Asians
that’s kinda… raciiiist!!
Nancy Pelosi’s Daughter Hypocritically Refuses to Call Out Democrat’s Remark She Called ‘Sexist’ in 2010
Another liberal hypocrite caught red-handed….
VIDEO: Democrat Dianne Feinstein Lobs Sexist Phrase at Vladimir Putin!
Call the feminists, we have a three-alarm male hegemony fire!
VIDEO: This News Anchor’s Innuendo-Laden Ogling of a Bikini-Clad Fellow Reporter Goes a Little Too Far
The ugly gender oppression of the male patriarchy rears its ugly head yet again!
Matt Lauer Pummelled on Twitter for Asking GM CEO if She Can Be a Good Mom And a Good Businesswoman
Afterward, he told her to get back in the kitchen, which seemed a little rude, frankly.