If You Type ‘Ni**a House’ Into Google Maps, The Universe Implodes Into a Black Hole of RACISM
White House Account Tweeted a Rainbow Picture of Obama That Will Make You Choke on Your Own Vomit
Secret Service Arrests Crazy Guy At White House For Possession of Rifle and Ammunition
How the ‘Most Transparent Administration Ever’ Edits and Censors Press Pool Reports
White House Fence Jumper Had 800 Rounds of Ammunition in His Car
Remember That ISIS Terrorist Who Threatened to Raise ‘Allah’s Flag’ Over the White House? He’s DEAD.
The only good terrorist is a dead terrorist.
‘We R Here :) ‘ – ISIS Supporter Takes Picture at the White House With Terrorist Insignia
Chuck Todd: The More You Call Obama Disengaged, the More He’s Going to Golf and Fundraise
An alarming look into the inner workings of the White House.
You Know What’s More Unbelievable Than Losing Lois Lerner’s Emails? Losing Emails of SIX MORE IRS Employees!
Now they’re just insulting us for fun.
Newly Installed White House Solar Panels Will Generate Power For a Whopping Six Light Bulbs
Obama has accomplished probably the most symbolic feats of his administration ever.