
Want to Protest Amnesty Bill? Group Wants You to Send Your ‘Gently Used Underwear’ to Obama and Boehner!

A group representing Americans who are against the current “comprehensive immigration reform” bill being pushed by liberals and some Republicans has found a pretty funny, if stinky, way to protest against the legislation: they’re asking people to send their dirty undies to Obama and John Boehner!

ALIPAC is responding to a Department of Homeland Security solicitation seeking thousands of pairs of “White 100% Cotton Men’s Briefs” – ranging from medium sizes to hundreds of 6X-large pairs – to meet the basic clothing needs of thousands of immigrants detained by Immigration & Customs Enforcement.

“Obama and Boehner have proven once and for all that their talk of passing immigration reform amnesty, instead of enforcing America’s existing border and immigration laws, only brings more unwanted and destructive illegal immigration!” said William Gheen, president of ALIPAC, on the group’s website.

“Instead of using our tax money to buy illegals 42,000 pairs of new underwear, we would like to send the illegals and DC politicians a message by mailing them our used underwear, and some of our pairs are in really bad shape due to the bad economy and all of the jobs illegal immigrants are taking from Americans.”

I’m not sure used underwear is going to persuade Obama and Boehner against the bill if unemployed Americans, a terrible economy, and a “humanitarian crisis” haven’t moved them to seriously shut down the border? Well, it’s worth a try anyway.

Immigration Expert on MSNBC: Illegal Alien Child Border Crossings Spiking Because of Amnesty Rumors