Here are the podcasts I listen to on a regular basis that I would recommend:
MAD DOGS AND ENGLISHMEN with Charles C.W. Cooke and Kevin Williamson:
Dark Secret Place with Bryan Suits is fantastic. But it’s behind a paywall for the daily:
You can also get a weekly version of his show from KFI AM in Los Angeles.
Then there are the Ricochet podcasts – many are excellent. Try them out by clicking here.
Ace is getting rather insane and histrionic lately, but hopefully his podcast will turn around to its former glory:
And the best for last… the Sooper Podcast of drunken idiots!!
Some links to short articles supporting important issues..
On why third parties act against their agendas :
Michael Medved’s comments on Buchanan’s presidential run touch on the general obstacles to third parties…
On why America is truly an exceptional nation
Great debate between Dennis Prager, supporter of American Exceptionalism, and Howard Zinn, detractor.
Some links to stats relating to political issues…
Some Statistics on Hispanics, including Legal and non-Legal Immigrants
A GREAT, VERY in-depth Statistical Analysis of Exactly Where the STIMULUS MONEY went!
A comprehensive study of the political attitudes of those producing news media