A page for my non-political pieces…
If you like my designs, feel free to fatten my capitalist wallet (and heart), by purchasing items with them splattered all over! If you have any item, send me a picture of you wearing or using it, and I’ll post it with a link of your choice on my “product placement” page! And look for me tweeting discounts when available…
Of course, if you want something you don’t see here, all you have to do is tweet me at @SooperMexican, or email me at soopermexican [at]
I do custom designs and cartoons for any occasion!
T-SHIRT available here!
Inspired in conversation with @GaltsGirl on twitter…
NOW AVAILABLE on T-SHIRT, as requested by one of my readers! click on on either image to check it out!
Available as a TIE and also as a T-SHIRT! 
Click on the images!!
Name the Movie!!! ((Click on the image to see the answer!)))
MEXATRON!!!!!!! Don’t mess with him or you’ll be taking a permanent dirt siesta!!!