
Unbelievable Video: Democrat Sends Racist Email Telling Other Democrats Not To Trust White Candidates

New Mexico state representative Miguel Garcia sent out an email in order to support another Democrat in his political race, but he’s gotten in trouble over his remarks that seemed to deride his opponents for being “anglo,” or white:

Garcia also lobbed race-based attacks against Otero and Barreras’ primary opponents, fellow Democrats Jim Danner and Teresa Smith de Cherif. Under a section titled “Treachery in Our Ranks Undermine Barreras and Otero”, Garcia wrote:


A minority of unsuspecting Democratic leaders are supporting the Democratic Anglo newcomer opponents in Andrew’s and Frank’s primary races. Anglo Democrats with egos as big as Texas, mouths as big as the Grand Canyon, and much “green” [moolah] from the East and the West Coast.

Garcia’s money reference appears to be more to Smith de Cherif, who has raised more than $10,000 of her campaign funds from out of state per finance records posted online.

When Miguel was asked about the offensive remarks, he said that the email was sent out to other Democrats, and wasn’t meant to be viewed by the public or the media. Yeah, so not really the best excuse.

I thought that conservatives are the only racists? Or maybe it doesn’t count because he’s racist against white people.

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