More! Clay Aiken Also Deleted Tweet About Wanting to Punch Congresspersons ‘In The Throat’!!
So far today I’ve discovered that North Carolina Democratic candidate (and American Idol loser) Clay Aiken deleted a tweet about wanting to punch Ann Coulter in the face, and another one asking his followers to call her the “c-word.” But we’re not done! Thanks to some help from fellow blogger Prudence Paine, we’ve been able to discover that Clay’s violent extremism also extends to members of Congress!!
Here’s a reconstruction of the tweet he tried to cover up!
There was a fan of his that edited the tweet a little and reposted soon after:
And of course, his dedicated fans posted on various forums like this one:
Here’s another. And another. Also here too.
It’s beginning to look like maybe Clay Aiken has some anger issues! Put this also in the context that Clay has made the domestic abuse his mother suffered at the hands of his father as part of his campaign, and it really makes you wonder what’s rattling around in his head.