News Chopper Captures BRUTAL Police Beating of Man On Ground With Hands Behind His Back in CA
I’m not sure why there are so many stories of this type, but I get a feeling that this isn’t going to go well for the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s office. Francis Pusok attempted to escape arrest by car and then by stealing a horse, but after the deputies caught up to him, they seemed to beat him brutally even though he was giving himself up and didn’t seem like a threat at all.
Watch below:
San Bernardino County Sheriff John McMahon ordered an immediate internal investigation Thursday into what he called “disturbing” video showing an arrest by deputies after a horse pursuit that was caught on camera by NewsChopper4.
Deputies appeared to use Tasers to stun a man and then beat him after the pursuit in San Bernardino County Thursday afternoon.
Aerial footage captured by NewsChopper4 showed the man falling off the horse, and then being stunned with a Taser by a sheriff’s deputy.
The man appeared to fall to the ground with his arms outstretched. Two deputies immediately descended on him and began punching him in the head and kneeing him in the groin.
I’m usually pretty supportive of law enforcement, but it’s hard to think of any justification of this beating. Let me know if you disagree in the comments section below.