
Progressives Trend ‘Black Church Sex’ to Push Promiscuity, LGBT On Black Churches

Black progressives are trending #BlackChurchSex on Twitter in order to badger Black Christians into being more promiscuous and denying traditional church teaching. Sounds fun!

Wait, what the hell!??

Real talk! This lady is a Salon contributor and we all know that Jesus said Salon contributors cannot make it into the Kingdom of Heaven. I mean, He generally said that. Anyway…

The Bible doesn’t teach that. God hates sin, the behavior. This is a common strawman against religion.

Yeah stop waiting, start whoring it up, that’ll fix all your problems.

OK this actually sounds like a problem, but that doesn’t mean you accept promiscuity.

Now, go forth and whore it up!

This is utterly absurd – they’re saying you gotta whore it up because that’s who you are, but you can’t be judged on it, because that’s not who you are! LOL!

No, we’re not all Bill Clinton.

Nothing fixes everything. But marriage sure as hell fixes a lot! Stupid premise.

Er… purity wasn’t meant for black women? Sounds a leeeetle racist!

What? Maybe in the fifties.

Damn sure we don’t need respectability! OK. I could do this all day. But I need to go wash my mind out with bleach and Febreeze. Thank you for participating.

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