Ann Coulter Bulldozes Through Bill Maher, Commie Rep. Louis Gutierrez, And a Failed MSNBC Host on Immigration
Ann Coulter went into the lion’s den when she visited Bill Maher’s show and tried to drop some knowledge about immigration. The idiot liberals came back at her with arguments based on their feelings, and offered no rational debate, as usual.
Watch below:
This is how it went – Ann Coulter made her case, then Louis Gutierrez talked about the feelings of Latinos, then Maher, says, yeah that doesn’t answer her question. All he said is that her attitude will help Democrats win – then why are liberals so afraid of her? If she’s so wonderful for them, they should be marketing her book!
Then the idiot Joy Ann Reid, who’s so terrible she lost a show on MSNBC the worst news network in the nearest 10 galaxies, talked about how immigration is “slavery,” but somehow still supports that slavery. She was offended because she’s the child of immigrants, but again, didn’t address any of Coulter’s points. It was just a stupid argument by anecdotal evidence.
Further, the crowd applauded like mad idiots when Bill Maher said that illegal immigration was just caused by Republicans who want to destroy the Middle Class. But if that’s the case, then why the hell are they defending illegal immigration?! LOL! What a bunch of idiots.
Let me be clear in saying that I don’t agree with Ann Coulter’s vehemence on the issue and I do think she veers into racist positions on occasion, but damn, these stupid liberals can’t argue a damn point to save their lives. Ann Coulter wins this one.