More Lib-On-Lib Crime!! ‘Think Progress’ Alum Battles Black Activist Over Bernie Sanders!!
I’m serious you guys, the media really is trying to keep us from enjoying all the awesome liberal-on-liberal crime as they attack each other over their ridiculous primary contest. The Bernie-boosters are angry that blacks won’t back him, and the black activists say he doesn’t care enough about black people.
It’s glorious.
And then on occasion, the Social Media Warrior “thought leaders” bust out in an vicious online slapfight. Like this one from black activist Elon James and former “Think Progress” commie socialist Zaid Jilani.
Social Justice Warrior drive-by! Get down! Get down!! Someone call the PC police!! Medic!! Medic!!!
Here’s another short exchange I caught of Jilani, who seems to have a lot of problematic “issues” with blacks online:
Love it. Please keep attacking each other, libs! LOL!
Liberals Freaking OUT at Martin O’Malley Saying WHITE LIVES MATTER to ‘Black Lives Matter’ Crowd!!