
Trannies Are Angry That Old Navy Didn’t Use A Real Tranny In Their Non-Tranny Commercial

This is a very confusing Christmas for a lot of people who apparently have never seen a guy dress up like a chick for comedy. Now it’s a big ol’ social justice movement. Because everything is now.

Here’s the commercial everyone is angry about:

And here are the people who are upset that Old Navy is mocking transgenders. Which they’re not.

“Alekxia” is a trangender who is offended by the commercial taking the plight of the tranny much too lightly:

Uhh, you can’t just have a guy comedian pretending to be a girl as a joke? Now it HAS to be a trangender actor!!

But on the other hand, there are people who just didn’t like the ad at all exactly because it has a supposed “transgender” actor!!!


And then there are PRO-TRANNY people who LIKE the commercial!!



Does no one understand that Fred Armisten is a comedian and he’s just pretending to be a girl? He does it every single week of his show “Portlandia,” and yet everyone is offended all over the place!!

I guess that makes this a holiday fail, Old Navy.

Or maybe it’s an America fail.

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