
The Best Story About Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, From A U.S. Marine…

Yesterday a legend of conservative jurisprudence shuffled off this mortal coil and went to be with his Maker. With his absence, the world has lost a great lion of a defender of the Constitution. We are all much poorer for it.

There are a lot of homages on Twitter from people who knew him well, but one of the best ones is from someone I trust to be honest about this story. It’s very short, but I think it sums up the character of Antonin Scalia.

My cousin is a U.S. Marine. He shared this on Facebook tonight about Justice Scalia:

I once had the pleasure of hearing Justice Scalia speak. He told a story about a small dinner he attended in England. His hosts raised their classes and said “God save the queen.” 

He asked his hosts what the equivalent statement would be in the United States. They responded, “God save the President.”

Justice Scalia said, “no, God save the Constitution.”

That is just perfect.

In just 6 sentences, it beautifully captures the essence of the greatness of that man. God bless him.

May he rest in peace.

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