BRILLIANT ‘Black Lives Matter’ Protester Gets Hillary To Read Her OWN RACIST Quote!!
So we don’t think much of the “Black Lives Matter” protest movement here at the Scoop, and you all know why. BUT I have to hand it to this protester who brilliantly got Hitlery Clinton to read her OWN racist quote from 1996 about inner city youth (read “blacks” here).
It’s amazing:
BOOM!! I love it!!
Her quote hearkens back to when a crime wave made even Democrats support more law enforcement and imprisonment – and black activists have latched on to one particular quote about “superpredators” from the cankled commie candidate:
lmao remember when hillary clinton called black kids "super predators" and said we needed to "bring them to heel" lmao
— emily robinson (@See_Em_Play) February 14, 2016
When Hillary Clinton called Black youth "super predators who needed to be brought to heel" did she feel that was appropriate or maybe RACIST
— Awakenings (@WilMadison) February 14, 2016
Do u truly think #Clinton cares for African Americans? She thinks they need to be brought to "heel" & bill's prison expansion was astounding
— Pookie McGhee (@pookstahr) February 14, 2016
Here’s her quote:
Of course, now it’s more politically correct to whine about the “school to prison” pipeline, and be upset that we put bad people in prison. And that’s why Hillary Clinton could be in trouble with African-Americans this election.