Bathsalts-Addled Liberal Responses to Sensata Narrative Meltdown
For those who missed it, the liberal left attempted and failed to push a false and hypocritical narrative about Sensata, a company partly owned by Bain that is outsourcing jobs from Illinois to China.
Liberals are running intellectual kamikaze attacks on twitter, trying to push the lie that Mitt Romney still owns Bain, when he retains about a hundredth of Bain assets.
Then I pointed out that Obama himself owns Sensata stock, utterly destroying the narrative by presenting their hypocrisy. Fox News picked up the story, and Rush Limbaugh mentioned it on air today…
How do liberals respond when confronted with reality?
Very badly. Even for liberals…
@soopermexican another #GOP lacky trying to muddy the waters and disinformation to take focus of #Sensata and #Bain/Romney outsourcing
— Daddio (@Void50) October 15, 2012
Even after the facts are pointed out, liberal sheep drone on, zombie-like:
@SooperMexican You do know #Romney still owns controlling interest in Bain Right? Who is the idiot? #Sensata
— Eric Robertson (@erictheteamster) October 15, 2012
@SooperMexican Don't forget Romney still owns 51% Bain * makes profit from the sales of companies being shipped overseas That is the point.
— Janis (@janisgos) October 15, 2012
Blah! We hate you Sooper Mexican!
.@SooperMexican you must be super rich or you are the one that doesn't understand math or basic human rights #sad #Sensata
— Triple D (@3DzD) October 15, 2012
@SooperMexican Are you self deporting if Romney wins? Are you under the Dream Act? We Built That!
— Prepstermama (@PrepsterMama) October 15, 2012
@tatboy314 @soopermexican To Clarify: I'm against Romney's deportation policy. I am pro Dream Act! My family, Bi-racial! DIVERSE AS UN!
— Prepstermama (@PrepsterMama) October 15, 2012
Because racism is ok by liberals as long as it’s against conservatives! DUH!
@SooperMexican Sorry, I don't speak Spanish.
— ao (@AgentOrchid) October 15, 2012
@SooperMexican So you are a mexican, huh? Now, I do understand, thank you!
— anamericancynic (@anamericancynic) October 15, 2012
Hey @SooperMexican do you speaka da language? We didn't think so. #sensata
— anamericancynic (@anamericancynic) October 15, 2012
This idiot continues on… of course Liberals would screech “racism” if this was said to any left-wing liberal…
@soopermexican papers please? What am i racist against?
— anamericancynic (@anamericancynic) October 15, 2012
#irony RT @SooperMexican If we're idiots why do you even BOTHER weighing in w/ lots of tweets full #Sensata hashtags to prove a point?
— el Sooper (@SooperMexican) October 15, 2012
And finally, what insult tops the dreaded, “YOU’RE A NAZI!” accusation?!
This one is new – accusing me of being pro-anti-Christ?!? Wow!!
@SooperMexican @TheNewDeal Do You Really Understand REALITY ? – Are You Just A Anti-Christ Follower ? (DAV-AF)
— MOVING FORWARD! (@cd5762) October 15, 2012
These next two were tweets trying to get me twittergulagged, but the account was suspended, so the tweets don’t exist anymore:
Here’s a screencap:
Why so angry, liberals? OH.. it’s because I OWN YOUR NARRATIVE and I DESTROYED IT.
Liberals, all of your #Sensata hashtag are now belong to Mexy: #p2
— el Sooper (@SooperMexican) October 15, 2012
@TheNewDeal There's NO way @SooperMexican should have the top tweet about #Sensata. We need wider audience to spread facts @maddow @edshow
— Jenny Adams (@IssuesVoter) October 15, 2012
A liberal guide to arguing #Sensata: 1) I don't understand percentages! 2) I don't understand blind trusts! 3) I don't understand!!!! #p2
— el Sooper (@SooperMexican) October 15, 2012
1159 reasons I own the #sensata hashtag: #p2
— el Sooper (@SooperMexican) October 15, 2012