Obama’s Pseudo-Dream Act Approves only 27 Applicants in 45 Days
It’s been two score and 5 days since Obama announced his overriding of Congress and pandering to Hispanics by changing immigration policy to allow supposed DREAM ACT hopefuls to sidestep the rule of law and stay in America.
For this shameless of constitutional authority and balance of power, Obama has received his 30 silver pieces from Hispanics – except his polling is actually down 4 points as compared to the Hispanic support he received in 2008.
Still, it’s hard to see who got the short end of the stick in this deal – of the more than a million who are estimated to be eligible for the program, only 29 have been approved:
As of Thursday the agency, United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, had received more than 100,000 applications, officials said, with more than 63,000 in the last stages of review. But so far the agency has confirmed only 29 approvals […]
By independent estimates, some 1.2 million immigrants are immediately eligible for the program. Some have struggled to compile evidence of lives lived in shadows during the last five years and to raise the $465 fee. But applications have also been slowed by bottlenecks that arose due to a crush of demand.
In Los Angeles, schools were deluged with requests for transcripts, creating a logjam that coincided with the frenetic opening days of the new academic year. Lydia L. Ramos, a top official of the Los Angeles Unified School District who was assigned to handle the crisis, said the district calculated that as many as 200,000 current or former students could be eligible for deferrals.
Via the New York Times [emphasis added]
So will this help him in the election? The very fact that he is down among Hispanics and nearly every other minority interest group, even to a small degree, shows that not all is well in the Obama re-election campaign.