
SooperPodcast #38!! “Latinos In Name Only” and IslamaPhobiaPhobia!!!


This episode we discuss whether or not Ted Cruz is a “Latino in Name Only” and the terrible murder by Islamist terrorists of a British soldier. We also reveal another one of Matt’s hilarious commercials! Don’t be a racist, listen in!

The show usually airs on 10pm on the FTR online radio network every Thursday – this week we were preempted by FTR’s Oklahoma Tornado Radiothon to raise money for the victims. 

By the way, the FTR version may contain more explicit language, but the iTunes podcast will be squeaky clean!!


Please comment, *like*, and tweet our podcast if you like it, or even if you don’t.

Some links to stories we discussed:

 Wondering If You’re A “Latino In Name Only”? Take Buzzfeed’s Comprehensive Guide to LINOs!!

10 Ways to Know that Black America Has Lost Its Mind Under Obama

Pictures of the Muslim Ricin Suspect that Bill Mentioned [ONE] [ TWO]

Hitler’s ‘Mein Kampf‘ A Best-Seller In The Arab World – Rense

Bloggers in Europe reporting on Islamism: Gates of Vienna

Canadian Blogger Reporting on Islamism: Blazing Cat Fur

Matt Dawson’s Anti-Liberal Humor Site: The Morlock Revolt!!

Opening song from Soundtrack to Idiocracy: Nuevos Tiempos by Pueblo Cafe

Our Contributors!