The Only Picture Of Alleged Gun Trafficker Leland Yee and Nancy Pelosi (So Far); UPDATE: NO It’s Not!
Bloggers are scouring the internet to try to find a picture of alleged gun trafficker and gun control advocate (!) California state Senator Leland Yee with Nancy Pelosi without any luck. As you might have known, I’ve had my work stripped of my logo lately, so when I found this picture I decided to saturate it with my logo. Try stealing it now! Anyway there’s the alleged hypocrite with the first chupacabra of the U.S. House:
Feel free to uh, repost. With credit. Of course.
I can act like I was joking, but I’ll just admit I screwed up, ok? Apparently that’s not Leland Yee, it’s Bob Matsui. I’m leaving this up in case he’s ever accused of running guns to Islamists in the Philippines. My apologies for the error.