Guess What Obama’s ‘Champion Of Change’ Amnesty Advocate Was Indicted For? Immigration Fraud Of Course!
It looks like amnesty advocate Bonnie M. Youn just couldn’t wait for “comprehensive immigration reform,” and she allegedly decided to bring in illegal immigrants on her own! Unfortunately, that’s still illegal in America:
Bonnie M. Youn, who Obama’s White House touts on its website as “a recognized Asian American & Pacific Islander (AAPI) community leader in Georgia,” was indicted on three criminal charge counts in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia Atlanta Division on April 1, according to publicly filed court documents.
The first indictment count alleges Youn committed perjury with regard to an alien illegally in the United States. The second indictment count alleges that Youn violated a federal immigration law that prohibits bringing illegal aliens into the United States and harboring them, alleging she did so “for the purpose of commercial advantage and private financial gain.” The third indictment count alleges Youn illegally tampered with witness testimony, specifically alleging she influenced the illegal alien—whose identity is kept anonymous in the indictment—to provide false information about employment in the United States to federal agents.
Now that’s not really fair is it? Bonnie was just following the advice liberals give to prospective illegal immigrants to ignore the law, and she was just following the example of Obama, who just won’t wait for Congress to act! I blame global warming myself.
Here’s a screenshot of the prestigious recognition that Bonnie was given from the Obama administration:
Yikes! She was awarded the “Cesar Chavez Champions of Change Award” for her work in immigration. Ironically, she would have stayed truer to his memory if she had gone down to the border and beat up people trying to illegally gain entrance into the U.S. rather than help them stay here illegally!