A Look At Future Obama Trades With Our Terrorist Enemies
Since we’re moving into the “let’s make a deal!” portion of Obama’s terrible presidential term, I thought I would prepare America for the upcoming trades that Obama might make:
Breaking: Obama announces 10 more Gitmo terrorists will be traded for a pack of cigs and 4 "plump" golden retrievers to al-Qaeda.
— el Sooper (@SooperMexican) June 3, 2014
Breaking! Obama trades 4 Gitmo terrorists for bitcoins, magic beans, and Obama commemorative plates to Al Shabab!!
— el Sooper (@SooperMexican) June 3, 2014
Breaking! Obama trades more Gitmo terrorists for 5 pairs of stone-washed mompants jeans and a signed glossy of Osama bin Laden to Boko Haram
— el Sooper (@SooperMexican) June 3, 2014
BREAKING!!! Obama trades moar gitmo terrorists to Kabul Taliban for their first round pick in the next Jihadist draft!
— el Sooper (@SooperMexican) June 3, 2014
Breaking! Obama trades 3 more Gitmo terrorists for some cough syrup, strawberry Arizona ice tea and skittles to al Qaeda in Yemen! #LeanOnMe
— el Sooper (@SooperMexican) June 3, 2014
Breaking: Top Gitmo terrorists traded by Obama for a Donruss @JoseCanseco rookie baseball card, and three beanie babies to Mujahideen.
— el Sooper (@SooperMexican) June 3, 2014
And finally,
If @BarackObama negotiated as poorly with Republicans as he did with the Taliban, Ted Cruz would be president and Obama would be in prison.
— el Sooper (@SooperMexican) June 3, 2014