Occupiers Are VERY Angry at Mockery of Hipster Parade at ‘Flood Wall Street’
One of the best things about Twitter is being the opportunity to mock hipster occupiers during their ridiculous little pathetic protests. The latest one was “Flood Wall Street,” which had the similar irrational demand to “end capitalism” in order to save the world. These are true intellectuals.
Anyway, they seem overly sensitive about the ridicule we’re tossing at them because they sure did complain a lot:
That awkward moment when all the Dumb Ass Sheep find out 90% of people at #FloodWallStreet have a job & take showers… #BrainExplodes
— Anonymous (@YourAnonLive) September 22, 2014
@YourAnonLive Those criticizing #FloodWallStreet #OWS #Climate2014 are either brainwashed by establishment propaganda or paid shills.
— D. Taylor (@mettawordlife83) September 22, 2014
Having an iPhone is NOT inconsistent with wanting an economy that is good for people, the planet AND profits. #floodwallstreet
— Sally Kohn (@sallykohn) September 22, 2014
Sally is a CNN contributor – funny how she doesn’t mind reducing the Tea Party or conservatives to absurd extremes and ignoring our substantive critique of leftist policies:
A thought: Instead of reducing #FloodWallStreet to its absurd extremes, actually address substantive critique of economy
— Sally Kohn (@sallykohn) September 22, 2014
Trolls snark on #FloodWallStreet : "Get a job! Bathe! Hippies! iPhones! Starbucks!" But have zero to say on stopping climate change.
— Hooligan (@WhooliganG) September 22, 2014
Yes, pendejo, because we don’t believe in your global climate hoax.
Those trolling #FloodWallStreet are liken to all the old bitter people who hate everyone except those in their tiny bubble…..
— Michelle (@Michelle9647) September 22, 2014
This is how weird and paranoid they are – they believe all opposition is paid for:
Most of these trolls popping up on #FloodWallStreet hashtag are paid scumbags, block, report and ignore.
— Anonymous (@YourAnonCentral) September 22, 2014
As if no one could possibly actually disagree with their degenerate movement.
Small wonder, right wing trolls hard at work on the #FloodWallStreet hashtag… Oppression's best friend is a complicit idiot and twitter
— Rudy Bucher (@Ruderealism) September 22, 2014
They’re seriously “oppressed” by Twitter.
Trolls think that only capitalism produces consumer products (as if all consumer products were even useful). #FloodWallStreet
— sknyjohn (@sknyjohn) September 22, 2014
No, but nearly every single product that hipsters protesting against capitalism use are made by capitalism. Pendejo.
s/o to the trolls of #FloodWallStreet because yall are tweeting from ur nice suburban homes while protestors have their bodies on the line.
— Nathan Michielson (@NMichielson) September 22, 2014
Their “bodies on the line”? LOL! You’d think they were fighting in World War 2! Oh no wait, that was actually a noble cause, not an excuse for wastrels to pretend they have principles.
Thanks for the laughs, Occupy!
Here’s some of the past work I’ve done trolling the commie idiots at occupy: