White House CONFIRMS Obama WILL Pass Immigration Reform By EXECUTIVE ORDER
It’s almost as if Obama is a lawless president who doesn’t respect a democratic election…
Earnest on immigration reform exec action: "The answer is yes, the president is going to take that action"
— Jennifer Epstein (@jeneps) November 6, 2014
Earnest says POTUS *will* take EAs on immigration reform, despite both GOP leaders' "poison the well" assessments
— Jared Rizzi (@JaredRizzi) November 6, 2014
Earnest: Exec. action on immigration good for country, good for economy, good for border security, good for immigrants, good for business
— Charlie Spiering (@charliespiering) November 6, 2014
If he follows his previous pattern, he’ll put out a watered down policy just to save his skin, but I’m afraid that given a Congress that’s completely held by Republicans and since Obama has no election to face again, he might just really screw us over on immigration.
I point you to this quote from Chris Matthews, who says that the Democrats will find a loophole in enforcing border control and we’ll see another 11 million illegal immigrants in ten years, the Democrats will renew their Hispanic votes, and they’ll have simply lied to Republicans.