College Dropout Scott Walker Encouraging Young Conservatives to SKIP OUT on School For CPAC!!
How low can Scott Walker get?! He’s so anti-education that he’s encouraging America’s youth to skip out on school (just like he did when he dropped out of college!) so that they can go get indoctrinated at CPAC!! Here’s the proof!
Again at #CPAC2015 the younguns ruled the day. Met a 9 year old that got an excuse for school from @GovWalker How cool is that!!
— Stacey Lennox (@ScotsFyre) February 27, 2015
I’m joking of course, but if the left gets a hold of this tweet, you know they’ll write hundreds of mouth-foaming blogs dedicated to blaming Scott Walker for the destruction of education! On the other hand, I would LOVE to find out what the teacher’s reaction will be to this kid handing them an excuse signed by Walker! LOL!