New York Times’ Ridiculous Hit Piece on Marco Rubio Hilariously Ridiculed On Twitter
The New York Times showed that it could still journalism with the best of them, as they released a devastating hit piece on Marco Rubio that will probably end his presidential campaign – they found out he has driving tickets!! Clutch at pearls and behold the mendacity!!!
The masterful journalist who printed this drivel was Michael Barbaro, and he’s being soundly mocked for it on the Twitters:
I’m taking such schadenfreudistic delight in NYT’s disastrous own goal on Rubio story that simply reading @mikiebarb’s timeline is joyful.
— Mollie (@MZHemingway) June 5, 2015
In the piece he makes a big deal out of Rubio taking driving classes after the violations – people have since pointed out that the classes are voluntary in Florida in order to keep points of a driving record. More awesome journalisming!!!
According to the NYT, Rubio was "forced" to go to voluntary driver school.
— Phil Kerpen (@kerpen) June 5, 2015
Anyone know the posted speed limit on Epstein's Jailbait Island? Asking for an ex-president friend of his. @mikiebarb
— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) June 5, 2015
@mikiebarb That's some top-shelf journalism right there. Well done, sir. What else do you have in the pipeline? Big jaywalking expose?
— Jimmie (@jimmiebjr) June 5, 2015
NY Times newsroom memo went out. All hands on deck. Drive the clicks baby.
— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) June 5, 2015
I forget, which one are you, Woodward or Bernstein Sorry, @marcorubio, you have to drop out of the race now
— Cameron Gray (@Cameron_Gray) June 5, 2015
Attn Pulitzer Committee: It's All Hands On Deck As Entire NYTimes News Staff Gets To The Bottom of Speedghazi
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) June 5, 2015
Bill Clinton sexually harassed his young female intern and goes on trips with pedophiles. But hey…traffic school.
— Lloyd Christmis (@LloydChristmis) June 5, 2015
I love how the NYT writers and editors are really really trying to make this story serious. LOL. Clowns.
— RB (@RBPundit) June 5, 2015
NYT: 'Marco only has 4 citations, but if we combine it with his wife it looks really bad.' 'AWW YEAH! JOURNALISM!'
— Josh Jordan (@NumbersMuncher) June 5, 2015
commenter "Old Hob:" Combined, Marco Rubio and Adolf Hitler murdered like 30 million people.
— TheClassyLife (@AceofSpadesHQ) June 5, 2015
Hillary Clinton sold the State Department to the highest bidder among Middle East despots, but hey! Marco Rubio didn't use his TURN SIGNAL!!
— el Sooper ن (@SooperMexican) June 5, 2015
@mikiebarb When you finish licking Hillary's boots clean, maybe you could get around to reporting actual news?
— DM (@idaho_expatriot) June 5, 2015
White Privileged @mikiebarb attacks Latino Family on driving school. Ignores WHITE Bill Clinton having his Law License Revoked. RACISM
— Rob Tam (@robtr2) June 5, 2015
Heckuva job, reporter! RT @mikiebarb: Driving improvement classes voluntary, I am told:
— John Ekdahl (@JohnEkdahl) June 5, 2015
Ted Kennedy let a woman drown in his car Marco Rubio can't have parking tickets. #Objectivity
— el Sooper ن (@SooperMexican) June 5, 2015
@mikiebarb Speeding tickets vs deleted emails, potential bribery, embassy security failures etc etc. Hard hitting journalism right there.
— blue (@blue_prop) June 5, 2015
.@mikiebarb Q: How many @nytimes reporters does it take to investigate $6B missing in StateDept while Hillary ran it? A: We'll never know
— Hootyman (@TheHootyman) June 5, 2015
Here's @mikieBarb using all the journalism to knock out @marcorubio's prez campaign:
— el Sooper ن (@SooperMexican) June 5, 2015
@mikiebarb so, in other words Marco Rubio is just like us! He gets tickets 4 in 18 years) Rubio 14 years old when hillary stopped driving!!
— Kenneth (@silverkranch) June 5, 2015
This is exactly the kind of crap we can expect from the mainstream media this election cycle and that’s why you need to support those independent voices in the news media, like the SoooperMexican!!!