When Dimwits Battle!! ‘Media Matters’ Moron Attacks ‘Think Progress’ Pendejo on Hillary Vs. Bernie!!
So we have a problem, my conservative friends. The media is determined to make us believe that the Republican party is hopelessly and irrevocably divided because that’s the way they can defeat us and shoehorn Hillary Clinton’s enormous and ample cankles into the Oval Office.
And because of that, we’re missing out on some pretty entertaining liberal-on-liberal internecine fighting and squabbling. And there’s nothing like a liberal fighting a liberal because if you think they’re empty and vapid when they debate a conservative, they’re about as substantive as a Katy Perry video when they argue amongst themselves.
To wit, I present to you, the “stupidest man with a modem,” Oliver Willis, Media Matters moron, who once called Hillary a racist KKK member when she was running against Obama, now champion and arch-defender of her coronation, against the wily, embattled and embittered former Think Progress pendejo Zaid Jilani.
Behold these titans of liberalism!!
GAH!!! Damn that’s what they really look like?! Ugh.
On the right, the pragmatic soulless idiot who will back anyone the Dems push, and on the left, a true commie idiot who will always rebel to the farthest socialist extreme of anyone running in an election. It’s idiot versus idiot!!!
Are we ready to ruuuuummmmbbbble?!?!?
The match began innocuously enough with this meaningless tweet:
We need to shut trump down
— Zaid Jilani (@ZaidJilani) July 12, 2015
Ever vigilant, waiting for his time to strike, Oliver Willis retweeted this response:
What's this "we" shit. You spend all day trashing Democrats. What team you have ready to shut down Trump? https://t.co/ZKEAlZzfCy
— John Cole (@Johngcole) July 12, 2015
And then it was on… because Oliver Willis is angry that far leftists would dare criticize Hillary, and the farther leftists like Zaid are bitterly angry at the liberals who slavishly tow the party line. Let’s rock’n’roll, wimpy liberal style!!
@Johngcole @owillis hey oliver how was hillary matters for america today did you help POTUS with more helpful nazi analogies
— Zaid Jilani (@ZaidJilani) July 12, 2015
@ZaidJilani @Johngcole http://t.co/3NIzwbXVVl
— Oliver Willis (@owillis) July 12, 2015
Hit the link.. it plays a sad trombone – he’s such a snarky little man!!
@owillis @Johngcole how is it flouting nonprofit law to shill for a campaign does it make you feel like you arent worthless
— Zaid Jilani (@ZaidJilani) July 12, 2015
Damn dude LOL!
@ZaidJilani @Johngcole sounds like someone got hit in the feels, you should have that looked at.
— Oliver Willis (@owillis) July 12, 2015
@owillis @Johngcole You guys write shitposts claiming hillary clinton is perfect
— Zaid Jilani (@ZaidJilani) July 12, 2015
@ZaidJilani @Johngcole cool story, bro
— Oliver Willis (@owillis) July 12, 2015
@owillis @Johngcole its surprising with these sophisticated burns that you havent actually accomplished much more than blow hot air at
— Zaid Jilani (@ZaidJilani) July 12, 2015
@owillis @Johngcole fellow partisan hack demess
— Zaid Jilani (@ZaidJilani) July 12, 2015
@ZaidJilani @Johngcole im just enjoying your bernie sanders tweets on this fine night zaid
— Oliver Willis (@owillis) July 12, 2015
Allan Brauer is an especially bitter depressed little leftist degenerate:
@txvoodoo @owillis @Johngcole @ZaidJilani Trust me, it's worth logging out just to read his TL.
— Allan Brauer (@allanbrauer) July 12, 2015
@owillis @Johngcole So do you report to Podesta or directly to Hillary for your checks?
— Zaid Jilani (@ZaidJilani) July 12, 2015
@ZaidJilani @Johngcole im paid in gold dubloons from george soros himself
— Oliver Willis (@owillis) July 12, 2015
@insonifier @owillis @Johngcole and his career is at a complete standstill, he just likes to tweet entirely to crazy democratic partisans
— Zaid Jilani (@ZaidJilani) July 12, 2015
@insonifier @owillis @Johngcole no oliver is just an idiot, like seriously he writes blog posts like he still lives in 2003
— Zaid Jilani (@ZaidJilani) July 12, 2015
@insonifier @owillis @Johngcole in a giant echo chamber and literally i cant think of a single thing he adds to the movement
— Zaid Jilani (@ZaidJilani) July 12, 2015
@insonifier @owillis @Johngcole people with personality disorders who harass you because you dont like their sports team arent really great
— Zaid Jilani (@ZaidJilani) July 12, 2015
Then the two keyboard warriors parted ways, secure in their social justice warrior cocoons of smug, solipsistic, bitter, angry leftism:
there are those who think purity is all that matters and those who think being effective matters. the former has done jack in politics.
— Oliver Willis (@owillis) July 12, 2015
so yes, when i hear about how obama is supposedly a republican, or even hrc who i legit disagree with on some things, im just like "mkay"
— Oliver Willis (@owillis) July 12, 2015
purity left is worse than the most diehard marvel/dc fanboy 🙂
— Oliver Willis (@owillis) July 12, 2015
And Zaid is so angry:
Just remember how the Clintons use and abuse poor people before you get so wowed by her speech tomorrow http://t.co/bI41BYow20
— Zaid Jilani (@ZaidJilani) July 12, 2015
Hillary doesnt evolve, shes a chameleon. She changes her beliefs based on what's convenient but she's quick to snap back
— Zaid Jilani (@ZaidJilani) July 12, 2015
Hillary was super passionate that we have to stop giving poor people money, now she says give them more money. Which time was she lying?
— Zaid Jilani (@ZaidJilani) July 12, 2015
Oh I forgot in your mid 60's is typically the time where you radically change your worldview true true
— Zaid Jilani (@ZaidJilani) July 12, 2015
And if you don’t remember… Obama accused the Hillary campaign of using racist tactics. Most of the worthless GOP candidates don’t remember enough to use it against Hillary. But the Bernie zealots do! LOL!
Remember that '08 debate where half of it was about jeremiah wright and hillary was dropping the farrakhans and everything
— Zaid Jilani (@ZaidJilani) July 12, 2015
Hillarys people were shopping around photos of obama in a turban I mean these are the people winning minority vote uh
— Zaid Jilani (@ZaidJilani) July 12, 2015
Oliver is just a shallow factory of insipid sarcasm, and he knows it:
i dont think that guy is symptomatic of sen sanders supporters, he'd be in trouble if he was. heh.
— Oliver Willis (@owillis) July 12, 2015
sometimes ill still get in real arguments but i honestly find sarcasm much more fun
— Oliver Willis (@owillis) July 12, 2015
But ultimately it’s the Berninista who’s so thin-skinned he has to block:
@insonifier @owillis @Johngcole these losers tweeted at me out of nowhere but thats been solved now with the great block button
— Zaid Jilani (@ZaidJilani) July 12, 2015
sometimes the messes clean themselves up. (wasn't following him, i favorited someone else's tweet and he flipped out) pic.twitter.com/lMItVaJJ47
— Oliver Willis (@owillis) July 12, 2015
Awww Allan is firmly up Hillary’s Obama:
It's too bad nobody loves @ZaidJilani enough to take the electronic device out of his hand.
— Allan Brauer (@allanbrauer) July 12, 2015
And yet, I notice you keep tweeting, Allan LOL!
I just love these liberal fights. They’re so acidic and stupidly back-biting. Keep at it, pendejos!!