New ‘Common Core’ Approved Textbook Will Indoctrinate 6th-GRADERS About ‘BLACK LIVES MATTER’!
To hear “Common Core” defenders you would think that it really isn’t that bad and critics are insane, but this new Common Core approved textbook that indoctrinates American children to be “Black Lives Matter” thugs and morons makes me think the critics have a point.
Watch Larry Elder obliterate the idiocy:
Gotta love the Elder!
Over at, one of the co-authors of the book says that conservatives like Larry Elder are being silly prejudging the book that hasn’t even been published yet:
Professor Harris is confused by this reaction because she is certain that Elder, and others opposed to the textbook, have never read it.
“I have an electronic copy, my co-author has an electronic copy and then the [printing] press has it,” she said. “No one else has this book. So they are interpreting what they think the book is about. My co-author is a white woman, we have not framed this into who to blame and who not to blame. That’s not what this kind of work is about.”
“The conservatives say that it’s indoctrination,” Harris said. “That couldn’t be further from the truth. We’re not saying in our book that the police are wrong or the police are bad. We’re trying to explain to them what an indictment is.”
Oh yeahh sure, it’s equal to both sides, yeah sure I believe you, yeah! Oh wait, look at what the dimwit says just a few paragraphs later:
“Because I have been trained as a historian, I am confident that 40 years from now, these people are going to be thought of as brave and transformative because that’s always what happens,” Harris said. “Think about the Vietnam War protests. Those people were demonized when that was going on.”
Right, this lady who thinks these people will be hailed as heroes wrote this perfectly even-sided book, huh? She must think we’re complete morons – oh wait, she’s selling this book to liberal teachers, so… that makes sense.
I honestly think any sixth-grade idiot teacher who wastes taxpayer money on this crap should be summarily fired.
Please feel free to tweet at the publishers at Abdo:
#AbdoPublishing company to release #BlackLivesMatter text book for grades 6 to 12 to spread awareness and make steps towards equality!
— BOOMCAST (@BOOMCASTAPP) August 24, 2015
Cuz we all appreciate some of that old commie indoctrination of our childrens’ heads full of mush, right?