Demented Whoopi Goldberg Says ‘The View’ Will Take Carly Fiorina’s Challenge!!
You gotta see how a petulant Whoopi Goldberg whined about Carly challenging them about calling her face “demented” – she actually tried to play it off like Carly owed them something for “raising her profile” among the idiots of their dim-witted audience.
And she announced that Carly IS going to go back into the degenerate lion’s den and go back to “the View.”
Watch below:
“The Five” did a good job of showing their hypocrisy when Joy Behar’s criticized Trump for mocking Fiorina’s looks, and then as soon as she starts doing better, of course they mock her looks!! Just amazing…
Here are the two segments they put together to show the hypocrisy of the idiots on “the View”:
Hysterically Hypocritical Harpies of #TheView on @CarlyFiorina:
— el Sooper ن (@SooperMexican) November 3, 2015
I hope Carly obliterates those idiots once and for all.