‘Anonymous’ Says ISIS Plans To ATTACK WWE Event Sunday, FBI Confirms Threat
The hacker collective “Anonymous” claims that they have been able to obtain evidence from ISIS that they are planning various terror attacks this Sunday, including some in the United States.
OpParisIntel, the name of Anonymous’ mission against ISIS, released a statement Saturday saying it had uncovered information regarding new terror plots “on Paris and the world” scheduled for Nov. 22.
“All proof was submitted to official authorities all around the globe days ago,” the statement said, as first reported by the International Business Times. “They have it and it is their responsibility to do something with it. But because they have not done anything with it yet and it’s almost the 22nd, we have matters into our own hands.”
“We only take the responsibility of warning civilians (incase the authorities do not act well enough),” the statement added.
Anonymous warned against attending events with large crowds, especially church services, but added that “the risk of any churches outside Paris/France being targeted is low.”
The group listed several events in Paris that it said “have been confirmed are at risk” and several events around the world that are not yet “100% confirmed,” including a major WWE pro wrestling event in Atlanta, Ga.
“The goal is to make sure the whole world, or at least the people going to these events, know that there have been threats and that there is possibility of an attack to happen,” the statement continued.
They also indicated that attacks were planned in Indonesia, Paris, Italy, and Lebanon in addition to the United States.
According to a reporter at WSB-TV, an FBI source has confirmed that they are looking into the threat and they intend to release a statement about it soon.
“Anonymous” declared war on ISIS this last week, and while I initially doubted that they’d get anything constructive done, if they’re right about this intel, then I’m more than happy to admit I was wrong. And that’s not just because they attacked the Right Scoop website and took it down for a few mins after I published my doubts. Ahem.
The wrestler Triple-H confirms that they’re working with law enforcement about the threat:
.@WWE Survivor Series is currently scheduled as planned while we investigate reports with authorities.
— Triple H (@TripleH) November 21, 2015